Making Future Tech
Lots of the time the future tech talked
about in these blogs never become anything because some of these things are too
hard to make with the current technology we have isn’t advanced enough or they
don’t get enough funding. There are also people that will doubt you and try to
bring you down. That’s why there are websites like Kickstarter for people that
don’t have the funding for there ideas. Kickstarter is a place where people can
get funding for ideas they have there is a problem with this though because
people could have an idea get the money for it but never do anything with it
and take the money. There are other things like really good ideas not getting
noticed like a guy trying to make a better spark plug but he needs $500 000 and
at the moment only has $1000 with 9 days left. There have been some really good
things that have come from Kickstarter like headphones the mold to your ear to
make a perfect fit that has 2 Million dollars in funding so far.
Then there are the big companies that have the funding to make the idea happen but the technology that we have already needs to be better to do what they need. It’s like Jaguars augmented reality windshield they have the idea and the funding but the technology we have isn’t quite there yet. There is also tech that can be used in testing in a lab but is not ready to be used in homes or in real world tests. Lots of things are just ideas and will always be ideas they never get made or the idea just doesn’t work and they scrap it.
As an example of making future tech we can
look at trains. It is a dream that all the cities in the world would one day be
connected by trains that could make the journey in a short amount of time. The
really big problem with making trains go faster is that it takes a lot of power
to push the air out of the the way for example a train going 480 km/h uses
about 27 times more power than a train going at 160 km/h. At ground level the
air is very dense which means there is a lot more resistance than a plane
flying at 35 000 ft. Another problem with faster trains is the bends and curves
they go around for this they designed a train that would tilt going around
corners almost like a motorcycle going threw a turn the idea was good but it's
not used to much. Then they designed a maglev which requires a different train
and track with the train is hovering using magnets the friction other wheels
and track is lowered allowing for more comfort and speed. Now we have the idea
of Elon Musk's Hyperloop which will be a train line that runs under ground in
vacuum tubes which would reduce the air resistance on the train allowing it to
go faster.
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