Friday, 18 December 2015

Future Tech

Future Tech

            Jaguar has a concept for an augmented reality windshield for your car. It’s not out yet but they say I could reach production in 10 years. The windshield would be able to show race lines and depending on the colour you would accelerate or brake. The windshield could also display cones on the road to train novice drivers. It also has a ghost car visualization that could let people race against it on the real road. They also have plans using augmented reality to make your hood transparent so you could see the road and your wheels while off-roading. It would make driving the car almost like a video game.
DARPA has released video footage of a .50 caliber bullet that can alter its course during flight. The technology has been in development for a couple years and still needs more time before it will be used by troops. The bullet doesn’t just make a slight shift or curve it actually makes quite a significant detour in mid-flight. The sniper can make real time adjustments for weather, wind, and moving targets. This technology would be really god for keeping troops safe because the enemy wouldn’t be able to tell the position the bullet came from. Visions of these kinds of weapons were used in video games but now they are a real life thing.
Floating farms are a thing of the future because there are going to be a lot more people in the world and that means we need more food. The only problem is we can only have so much farming land so we have to start build farms up. The UN predicts there will be 2 billion more people in the world in 2050. That would create a demand for 70% more food. That’s where the floating farm idea comes in it will be a 24 m 3 tiered design with solar panels on the top to provide power. The middle tier would grow a variety a vegetables using nutrients in liquid the nutrients and plant matter would then drop to the bottom layer to feed fish. A singles farm could produce 8.1 tonnes of vegetables and 1.7 tonnes of fish a year.
In the military there is a bunch of future tech that is in the works. The UK aerospace and defense contractor BAE systems have several concepts that it envisions as possible military weapons in decades to come. There most interesting concept is the Transformer which is made up if a larger diamond shaped plane and two smaller triangle shaped planes attached behind it. The Transformer could conserve fuel by reducing drag. They also have a plane called the Survivor that could repair itself mid-flight. It would achieve this by having a lightweight adhesive fluid within a pattern of carbon nanotubes. When the plane was hit the adhesive fluid would repair the plane. They also have plans for an aircraft that could make and deploy UAVs with an onboard printer. BAE says these concepts are what might be possible in 20 to 30 years.

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